Monday, November 15, 2010


Sometimes we aren't as bare as we think we are...

Have you ever felt like you don't have much left to give or offer? Or you WANT to give, but you don't know WHAT to offer... Welcome to my life. I always feel like there's so much more that i could be doing in life, like my life just isn't enough yet. There's always something around the corner that hasn't been experienced or discovered yet. I always here of worlds of opportunity, and the life well lived... WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!?! All I know is... in everything I do, I want to do it in love. And I am the biggest failure in my story when it comes to that. What have I done TODAY to make someone feel loved? What HAVE I done TODAY so far.... 

wow.... that intro was TOTALLY not what i was thinking of before.... but i guess it'll do... guess my thoughts got a little carried away. I think it's so relevant in many of our daily lives though. Do we ever think of that? what HAVE we done today... and what were our intentions/motivations behind it? Life is always so full of questions and confusing distractions and diversions. Sometimes is good to just sit still and refocus yourself in what's REALLY important in you life. What's important to me is.... I live each moment of everyday loving my God the best way I can. Luckily he forgives my ignorance and selfishness.... cause to tell the truth... everyday i have to wake up in the morning and remind myself that I'm not the main character in my story.. God is. 

If God is the main character.... then why do we live and act as if everything revolves around us? If this life is for his purposes... then why do i whine and complain every time he asks me to do something for him? If he IS the reason we live... then WHY are we so focused on what WE can do and accomplish in life... 

Why is it so hard for us to surrender the one thing we love the most.... ourselves. Jesus gave up EVERYTHING. Yet we cower when made fun of or publicly humiliated... Jesus was stripped, flogged, teased and hung... IN PUBLIC! how embarrassing is that. I used to think that i would never be able to understand the death of God's son... i didn't have anything to relate it to in my own life. But then i started to think of all the young women around the world who stand up for their faith and are persecuted for it. They're stripped, raped, beaten, showcased for the hungry and perverted persecutors, and humiliated. YET... they stand strong in their love and devotion of christ. WHAT THE HECK! they surrendered their dignity, pride, and for some... their purity, and I can't get myself out of bed in the morning... what does that say for me and my life. I'm starting to think that too much freedom results in apathy and an unwilling heart. We have the privilege and freedom to stand in the middle of downtown and yell at the top of our lung how much we love Jesus, while others are running and hiding in fear that they're underground church will be discovered. They worship sooooooo freely and openly... we cant get past lifting our hands. I'm tired of living in a cultural curse of Apathy... SCREW IT! If people want to judge me for deciding to live a dedicated and on fire life for my Father and king... then i must be doing something right :)

All this is to say... sometimes we aren't as bare as we think we are. We don't see what we REALLY have to offer God. We think we're empty useless vessels.... God says. "YIPPY!" Start living out Gods dreams and passions in your life. You'll be AMAZED at how excited about life you'll get. That alone is a blessing and reward. Be filled and encouraged. And lets break of our Cultures apathetic curse :)