Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Mirror Lies

Searching for something to see, something to believe and something to hold onto is what we all do. How can we believe something if we cannot see it, or see something if we cannot hold it. Can we really hold onto anything if we do not believe it is there? 

Life goes around in these confusing little circles that we insist on putting ourselves into. Nothing comes without strings attached, or so we insist on thinking. Beauty is the biggest puppet of the modern world. There are so many strings attached that they get lost and confused amongst each other. There's commercial after commercial about different makeup brands and beauty products competing with one another. "After just one use you will start to see your wrinkles fade." ... "In just 10 minutes you will get the hair color you've been dying to have." I understand a woman's need to look modest and presentable, I do not disagree with it. However, I think our culture spends far too much time in front of the looking glass, perfecting a road to destruction. 
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What part of the reflection can you look at with awe and wonder? Do you see beauty or a working progress? Do you see wrinkles or perfection? Do you see simple or complex? Do you see grey or even tones?Do you see Silver or Gold? What do YOU see when you look in the mirror?

"Don't be concerned about the OUTWARD beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourself instead with the beauty that comes from WITHIN, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God."       (1 PETER 3:3-4)

To me beauty is a life lived well, not a life spent clipping coupons for the cosmetic isle. When I grow older and i look in the mirror this is what i want to be able to say:
I see awe and wonder radiating. I see beauty. I see laugh lines and wrinkles from the perfect and exciting days in my life. I see simplicity, a good companion for humility. I see a full head of grey hair, showing the trials and good times i gained wisdom from. I see Gold, because no one else could ever be better at being me. When i look in the mirror and see the wrinkles, grey hair and outward imperfections, i see a life lived well with the unfading beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit.
What you see isn't always what you get. There's and old saying that says,"There's more than meets the eye." You are not defined by the physical features displayed in the mirror reflection. You are who you choose to let yourself become. If you want to let cosmetics and materialistic qualities become your life, no one is stopping you. But when will it ever be enough? At what point will the mascara or cellulite creme take away the broken desire to be loved? Looks and outward beauty can only get you so far in life for a limited time. What happens when you starve yourself to loose those extra few pounds? You deprive your body of the nutrients it really needs to maintain the natural beauty that is already there. What happens when you starve yourself of a gentle and quiet spirit? You deprive your character of unfading beauty and the nutrients it needs to keep growing into a rosebush. 
Is your mirror lying to you? Is it telling you to look like the cover model on the Cosmo magazine, or is it telling you your beautiful, blemishes and all. Take some time and seriously consider this... are you perfecting the road to destruction.... or are you paving the road to unfading beauty. The choice is, and always will be, yours.

** Lana Michelle**